A legendary dog trainer believes he can transform Marmaduke from an undisciplined, but lovable dog, into the first Great Dane to win the World Dog Championship....
It follows a widow who struggles keeping the local vineyard and raising two young boys. She may be in store for a Christmas miracle when she falls for a big city playboy who is sent to get intel on a ...
34岁的乔治娜(海瑟·格拉汉姆 Heather Graham 饰)至今没有子嗣,并不是因为她不能生,而是她的丈夫扎克(汤姆·伊莱斯 Tom Ellis 饰)还没有做好做父亲的准备。因为孩子的事情,小两口没少吵架,这不,几天之前,扎克因为乔治娜的旧事重提而一气之下去了爱尔兰。 就在这个节骨眼上,乔治娜接到了医生的诊断,她竟然遗传了家族血脉里的疾病——“绝经期提前”,这也就意味着,她的体内只剩下...