据说,从同一个卵子产生的同卵双胞胎将共享一条纽带,就好像他们是同一个人一样。但不是同卵双胞胎“Sprite”和“zee”。尽管从出生起就走着和运动员一样的路线,但两人都想成为唯一! It is said that identical twins who are produced from the same egg will share a bond as if they were the s...
Suffering from amnesia, a young man trying to discover his true identity is kidnapped by an underground crime organization and turned into a ruthless assassin.@www.molikan.com...
On April 26, 2012, six people entered an Isolated Confined Environment with the mission to simulate a trip to Mars. Their mission was a catastrophic failure....
关于20年前发生的神秘事件的恐怖故事。它创造了一个关于复仇的故事,引领了当今的潮流。 Horror story about mysterious events happened 20 years before. It creates a story about vengeance that leads nowadays....