Series Eighteen starts airing on 29 January 2012 with seven episodes (not including the India Special),[1] following on from the 2011 Christmas special which aired on 28 December 2011.[2] In the speci...
阿尔(小弗雷迪·普林兹 Freddie Prinze Jr. 饰)和艾莫根(朱丽娅·斯蒂尔斯 Julia Stiles 饰)是一对年轻的恋人,他们志趣相投心性相似,是旁人眼中天造地设的一对佳偶,就连他们自己也坚信,他们就是彼此命中注定的那一个人。 在车水马龙的繁华大都市伦敦,有很多人像阿尔和艾莫根一样处于一段稳定的关系之中,但有另一些人,他们流连于灯红酒绿的欢场内,徘徊在个性迥异的伴侣间,享受着...
又一部东欧魔幻现实主义佳作,别被片名给骗了,故事远不是像片名那么浪漫... Decadence, homosexuality, excess wealth, infidelity, alcoholism and drugs all played a major role in the decline of aristocracy....
When the hospital she works at is transported to the moon, medical student Martha Jones joins forces with The Doctor to hunt down an alien fugitive before the oxygen runs out...