An orphaned teenager forms an unlikely friendship with a detective. Together they investigate her mother's murder, and uncover the supernatural force that proves to be a threat to her family....
影片以“伪纪录片”的形式再现了伪造了轰动一时的“罗斯维尔事件”丑闻的始末。1995年,一部记录1947年7月4日美国新墨西哥州罗斯维尔飞碟坠毁事件后,美国军方科学家对外星人尸体进行解剖的黑白纪录片被证明是一场骗局,引起了世人极大的轰动。拍摄这部解剖外星人短片的年轻人雷·桑蒂利(德科兰·当纳利 Declan Donnelly饰)和盖理·舒菲尔德(安东尼·迈克尔帕特林 Anthony McPartli...
It's 1989 and Mo makes his first big discovery as a newly minted jazz producer. Dawn's still serving time for masterminding Black Monday, Blair learns the hard way how to play politics, and Keith disc...