A man, who years earlier mysteriously abandoned his family and isolated himself in a small northern town, returns for one last chance to reconnect with his troubled daughter. When she goes missing, he...
A large, black, four-poster bed, possessed by a demon, is passed from owner to owner. In the 15th century, a knight killed the demon, but the demon's blood splashed onto the bed, causing the posse...
《毒醉心迷》的片名“Better Living Through Chemistry”系越战年代美国著名反战勇士、嬉皮士运动代表人物阿比·霍夫曼(Abbie Hoffman)的名言,直译为“毒品让生活更美好”。 片中的男主人公是一位普通的药剂师,过着糟糕的婚姻生活,直到有一天一位神秘性感的少妇顾客登门拜访,药剂师很快坠入这名神秘少妇的温柔乡,纵情于毒品与两性欢愉,并利用自己的职业同少妇一起精心策划...