科纳·伯恩斯(Nick Renaud 饰)和查克(Gemmenne de la Pe?a 饰)、乔丹(Henry Monfries 饰)是美国高中内三个其貌不扬、普普通通的学生,他们绝对不属于全校瞩目的一群,反而时不时受到明星任务的欺负和嘲讽。科纳原打算为心爱的女孩拍一部庆生视频,可是倒霉事情一连串,先是摄像机出了故障,接着在电器商店遭到霸道的男孩戴克斯(Alastair James 饰)的殴打。...
A female cop is gunned down and wrongly accused of using excessive force in a hostage rescue attempt. Maniac cop returns from the dead once more to seek revenge, destroying everthing and anyone that s...
During the pandemic, the present camp owner is forced to entertain the new buyer then learns of his evil intentions towards the land. In order to stop the sale he has tricks up his sleeve but a zombie...
一个恶名昭彰的死亡天使加百利(Christopher Walken),他一直想用邪恶的力量来控制地球。但是一名凡间女子薇拉莉(Jennifer Beals)和一名天使丹尼尔(Russell Wong )因两情相悦结合之后即受孕,同时因为这个未诞生的婴儿已经得到神谕,将成为一个显露神迹的圣灵,于是加百利决定用尽一切方法,来阻止这个婴儿降临人世。...