This comedy follows two codependent East Village, New York girls, Olivia and Nicole, on the verge of eviction and existential crisis. They're struggling artists, living in a Bohemian apartment. Th...
Based on a best-selling book by New York Times national security correspondent David E. Sanger, The Perfect Weapon explores the rise of cyber conflict as the primary way nations now compete with and s...
This animated feature film incorporates music, theater and sculpture techniques while following one woman's journey through her marriages, both imagined and real. Her experiences transform her from a ...
foster brother, HENRY, in San Francisco. Henry reluctantly takes him in but finds their old feud is far from extinguished. Then Bolt falls for SONYA - Henry's ex-girlfriend. As the mafia closes in, Bo...
在一颗名为51号星球的行星上,居住着一群通体绿色的高智慧生物,他们的文明高度发达,生活安宁幸福。不过他们也有自己的恐慌,那就是远在几百光年之外的地球人,他们生怕会遭到地球人的入侵和杀害。雷(Justin Long 音)是一个热衷星球研究的青年,他和地球上的小青年没什么两样,做实习报告、跟朋友聊天、追女朋友、找工作。这一日,一艘来自地球的宇航飞船降临51号星球,且刚好落在雷的院子里。宇航员查理·T·...