The Flintstones is an animated, prime-time American television sitcom that was broadcast from September 30, 1960 to April 1, 1966 on ABC. The show was produced by Hanna-Barbera Productions. The Flints...
空空荡荡的写字楼内,几乎所有的人都已下班,享受属于自己的快乐夜晚,只有身心俱疲的小职员查理(Napoleon Ryan 饰)还在站在复印机前,辛辛苦苦地影印材料。在这种几近崩溃的疲劳时刻,也许咖啡是唯一能令他稍感振奋的东西。突然,一件奇怪的事情毫无征兆地发生了。一张A4纸出来,上面没有任何所需的资料,只印了一个实心黑球。查理不以为意,将这张废纸放到一边,当他放置咖啡杯时,杯子竟然掉进了A4纸的黑洞...
Danny Haley's bookie operation is shut down, so he and his pals need money; when Danny meets Arthur Winant, a sucker from out of town, he decoys him into a series of poker games where eventually Winan...