Set in 1978, the film marks the fourth joint effort between Monzón and Jorge Guerricaechevarría, and tells the action-packed, adrenaline-fuelled story of 17-year-old Nacho Cañas, an introverted studen...
故事紧接着上一集发展,小狗贝多芬和露西终于走到了一起,过上了幸福的生活,露西还为贝多芬生下了四只可爱的小狗,一家人其乐融融。然而,这四只小狗崽却让孩子们陷入了烦恼之中,如果让爸爸知道家里一下子多了这四个小家伙,那还不非得翻了天不可。 虽然挨了老爸一顿臭骂,但善良的布鲁诺先生(凯文·杜恩 Kevin Dunn 饰)还是收留了贝多芬和露西的孩子们,一家人前往宁静的小村开始了悠闲的度假。然而他们并不知...
Fiona's father has been killed in Florida, but she doesn't believe it was a suicide, and she learns that the prime suspect is a local drug kingpin with an army of mercenaries....