The story focuses on the titular protagonist Tina who learns from Megi to live a self-determined life in patriarchal society after getting dumped by her boyfriend. The film was shot during the COVID-1...
故事开始于2008年,索罗门(岑勇康 Harry Shum Jr. 饰)是一名厨师,在命运的安排之下,他邂逅了名叫珍妮弗(杰西卡·罗德 Jessica Rothe 饰)的女子,情投意合的两人很快就走到了一起。他们之间的恋情受到了双方家人以及朋友们的祝福,在恋爱了数年之后,他们都认定了对方就是自己此生想要携手共渡的那个人,他们决定结婚。 索罗门和珍妮弗将婚期定在了2015年的8月,哪知道就在婚期将...
Set in an underground dungeon inhabited by bundled, ragged human beings, after the nuclear holocaust. The story follows the wanderings of a hero through the situations of survival. People wait for the...
Another brilliant giallo thriller from director Francesco Barilli, whose THE PERFUME OF THE LADY IN BLACK was one of the genre's most haunting and original films. This Italian-Spanish follow-up is...
Eric Braeden stars as Dr. Charles Forbin, who has created a supercomputer named Colossus, built solely for the purpose of controlling the nuclear defenses of the Western alliance. It isn't too long af...