Vivica A. Fox makes her Bring It On debut as Cheer Goddess, the Internet's most popular "Cheer-lebrity." When Destiny (Prosperi), capta in of three-time national champions "The Rebe...
A knight in the service of a duke goes to a coastal villiage where an earlier attempt to build a defensive castle has failed. He begins to rebuild the duke's authority in the face of the barbarian...
A team of four aliens escape their exploding home world only to crash land into a move-in ready home in suburban America. They are evenly split on whether Earth is awful or awesome. Korvo (Justin Roil...
2028年,专事军火开发的机器人公司Omni Corp.生产了大量装备精良的机械战警,他们被投入到维和和惩治犯罪等行动中,取得显著的效果。罪犯横行的底特律市,嫉恶如仇、正义感十足的警察亚历克斯·墨菲(乔尔·金纳曼 Joel Kinnaman 饰)遭到仇家暗算,身体受到毁灭性破坏。借助于Omni公司天才博士丹尼特·诺顿(加里·奥德曼 Gary Oldman 饰)最前沿的技术,墨菲以机械战警的形态复活...
小有名气的惊悚小说作家苔丝·索恩(玛丽亚·贝罗 Maria Bello 饰)受邀去某地进行演讲,人生地不熟的她迷失方向,汽车还在某个根本没有手机信号的地方爆胎。当她手足无措的时候,孔武健壮的卡车司机(威尔·哈里斯 Will Harris 饰)出现答应帮她更换轮胎,然而这个暴徒见色起意,对苔丝进行了残酷的虐待,还把她丢在了一个浸泡着三四具女性尸体的坑道中。侥幸逃命的苔丝一路跌跌撞撞回到家中,她曾尝试...
伊阿宋是国王埃宋的儿子,埃宋的弟弟珀利阿斯篡夺了王位,伊阿宋则被半人半马的喀戎抚养成人。长大后的伊阿宋回到王国,向叔叔要回王位。而叔叔要求他完成一个任务——夺取金羊毛,只要伊阿宋能做到,叔叔就把王位让出来。伊阿宋率领着希腊众英雄一路远去,来到了金羊毛所在地科尔喀斯。美狄亚(玛丽亚?卡拉斯 Maria Callas 饰)是科尔喀斯城邦国王的女儿,她爱上了伊阿宋,于是盗取金羊毛献给了伊阿宋。她背叛父亲...
Updated version of the Agatha Christie book "And Then There Were None. In this version, the group is invited, under false pretenses, to an isolated hotel in the Iranian desert. After dinner, a ca...