When his wife unexpectedly informs him that she wants a divorce, well-meaning but oblivious husband Otto Wall finds himself thrust back into bachelorhood, where he searches for the real thing amidst a...
Based on the IDW Comic, Wynonna Earp follows Wyatt Earp's great granddaughter as she battles demons and other creatures. With her unique abilities, and a posse of dysfunctional allies, she's the only ...
21世纪中叶,地球环境遭到巨大的破坏,人类文明和信仰不可遏止地崩塌。在一片乱象的关头,名为ROC的科技公司凭借他们研发的“朝圣者 7000”智能机器人迅速崛起。朝圣者深入民间每一个角落,帮助人们从生到死处理身边的一切事务。在两条根本原则的约束下,机器人们任劳任怨,不辞辛苦,与此同时也遭遇种种残酷无情的对待。贾克·波根(安东尼奥·班德拉斯 Antonio Banderas 饰)是ROC旗下的一名保险...