UP STAR is back, with an all-new movie that takes the popular singing dogs on trip around the world, where Tiny and friends find fantastic new songs and meet exciting new canine singers that prove mus...
Frida and Björn have kids, a good apartment and jobs that they are happy for. And yet something is not quite right. Maybe our biology has more to say about our happiness than we assume....
The film follows the story of three girls in contemporary Paris. One searches for her lost mother since she knows she's adopted. The other has come out of a coma and needs to have a love relationship ...
奥斯卡影帝凯西·阿弗莱克(Casey Affleck)日前加盟新片《老人与枪》(Old Man And The Gun),该片由罗伯特·雷德福(Robert Redford)主演,根据《纽约客》上的一篇文章改编。 福瑞斯特·塔克(Forrest Tucker)打从少年时就是个不法之徒,抢银行就是他的职业,进过十几次班房的经历还让他练就了“越狱”的本领——一共18次越狱,最近一次时他已70岁高...