Cabella Oil and Brandini's have been competing oil ranches for decades. However, it wasn't always this way. Founders Raphael Brandini and Frank Cabella once worked harmoniously together, until their r...
Britain’s most notorious gangsters, The Kray twins have gained legendary infamy for their brutal reign over 1960s London, which continues to fascinate and shock to this day – but who was the man who b...
在德州某屠宰场,肥胖的女工正在案板切肉,突然感到腹中剧痛,原来身怀有孕的她羊水已破,产下一个畸形儿,遗弃在垃圾箱,后来被清洁工救起。N年后,一群年轻人驾车路过这里。刚从越南前线归来的艾瑞克(马修?波莫 Matthew Bomer 饰)刚与未婚妻克莉希(乔丹娜?布鲁斯特 Jordana Brewster 饰)团聚,就得知弟弟迪恩(泰勒?汉德雷 Taylor Handley 饰)又要去前线,他本想陪弟...