Joanna's holiday is shattered when her sisters tell her that their dad has dumped, he isn't responding to any calls and disappeared to a Caribbean island. The sisters decide to go to save their father...
ISABEL SULLIVAN (15) has just moved to a small town to live with her uncle PAUL who is the town's mayor. Isabel has recently lost her parents in a car accident. Feeling very alone and friendless, Isab...
约翰(弗雷德·阿斯泰尔 Fred Astaire 饰)是一名极富才华的舞蹈家,歌手卡德(维克托·摩尔 Victor Moore 饰)是约翰最好的朋友兼搭档,两人之间的友谊十分深厚。约翰一心想要迎娶自己的青梅竹马玛格丽特(Betty Furness 饰),但卡德却并不看好这桩婚事。为了搅黄约翰的婚礼,卡德找到了各种借口拖延时间,导致约翰最终错过了结婚典礼。愤怒玛格丽特和父亲要求约翰拿来两万五千美元,...
故事发生在1945年,弗雷德(达纳·安德鲁斯 Dana Andrews 饰),艾尔(弗雷德里克·马奇 Fredric March 饰)和霍莫(哈罗德·拉塞尔 Harold Russell 饰)是三名刚刚走下战场的军人,即将回到久违的家乡,即将见到久别的亲人,虽然三人的境遇各不相同,但内心中的激动和忐忑却别无二致,分别在即,他么许下了再相聚的约定。 丈夫艾尔的平安归来让米莉(玛娜·洛伊 Myr...