The story, written by Zsófi Lányi, revolves around thirtysomething identical twins éva and Adél. They are very distant and different from one another, but they lead equally hypocritical lifestyles and...
A stray dog named Gump is searching for his place in the human world. He wishes to get a companion, but has to endure several challenges along the way....
乔(托尼·洛·比安科 Tony Lo Bianco 饰)是一个包工头,他的儿子尼克(文森特·斯帕诺 Vincent Spano 饰)因为闹独立而怠工。同时,两个骗子博比(杰斯·亚历山大 Jace Alexander 饰)和齐普拉抢劫了马德的电子仪器商店,而这个抢劫案是由当地无赖卡尔(约翰·塞尔斯 John Sayles 饰)一手策划的。乔拥有L 街的产权,但市长对他施加压力,要求他拆除L街,因为市...