狮门电影公司(Lionsgate Films)将和印度的克斯特动画公司(Crest Animation)联手,拍摄3D动画片《北极移民》(Norm of the North)。本片将使用立体3D拍摄,这项技术在《阿凡达》中被采用过。 本片由斯蒂文·奥迪尔(Steven Altiere)和丹尼尔·奥迪尔(Daniel Altiere)编写剧本,故事集中于一头北极熊和三只旅鼠身上。当他们家乡的冰...
Sheila kills her husband at the start of the film with a smoking gun. We don't know how or why. All we know is men are banging on her door and she escapes. There is a notable dialogue as she makes...