英格嘉(哈娜·刘易斯 Hana Lewis 饰)出生在一个并不富裕的家庭之中,为了偿还家中欠下的巨额债务,英格嘉的家人们竟然试图通过连哄带骗的方法,唆使英格嘉嫁给一个非常富有的老男人。个性强烈的英格嘉当然不会任命运捉弄,她决定逃走。 在逃往的旅途中,英格嘉邂逅了名叫司冲(克里塔利特·布帕洛姆 Krittarit Butprom 饰)的男子。司冲是葡萄园的园主,他对正在逃往途中的英格嘉提供了很...
When the pandemic starts, Dona Isadir doesn't think twice about renting out her apartment in Cachambi, in the North Zone of Rio de Janeiro, so she can be closer to her family. She decides unilat...
When the digital age is more dangerous than you think. A LINE TV Original, this omnibus drama covers 8 different stories in an interpretation that will thrill you with the dark side of the social w...