Tracy meets Nick in the third installment of the trilogy, and he helps her save an original draft of The New Colossus in exchange for her helping him run his restaurant. Tracy begins to feel uneasy as...
Will Dormer(阿尔·帕西诺 Al Pacino 饰)与搭档Hap Eckhart(马丁·唐文 Martin Donovan 饰)来到远离洛杉矶一处日不落的小镇阿拉斯加,调查一名17岁少女被活活殴打致死的案件。阿拉斯加一名女警察llie Burr(希拉里·斯万克 Hilary Swank 饰)对Dormer的办案手法由衷感到敬畏,努力在查案过程中学习。而此刻的多莫其实已经麻烦缠身,他在洛杉...