理查德是一名飞行员,退伍后,他在一家酒吧打工,认识了同事芭芭拉(安娜·玛西 Anna Massey 饰)并与之相爱。性格粗暴的理查德同老板发生口角后被开除,身无分文的的只得投奔前妻布伦达(Barbara Leigh-Hunt 饰)。布伦达经营着一家婚姻介绍所,她友善的接待了理查德并偷偷的在他口袋里塞了一些钱。没想到几天后,布伦达在介绍所中被她与理查德共同的朋友鲍伯(巴里·福斯特 Barry Fos...
巴顿大学新人贝卡(安娜·肯德里克 Anna Kendrick 饰),意外加入学校的阿卡贝拉女子美声合唱团,该社团集结了又乖又坏又怪的各样女性成员,唯一共通点就是能清唱出犹如天籁的美声。社团成员包括:自认歌声最好,自信过人的“胖艾美”(蕾蓓尔·威尔森 Rebel Wilson 饰)、常常出言不逊又固执墨守成规,但其实焦虑不已的欧柏莉(安娜·坎普 Anna Camp 饰)、团员精神支柱克萝伊(布兰特妮...
The gripping true story of a young man’s journey from hero to alleged war criminal, the determined lawyer on his tail, and their search for truth in the fog of war. Anthony Boyle plays the real-life ...
When the sheltered and unsocialized Oliver is tasked with making new friends after the sudden and devastating death of his mother, he decides that digging a few up (literally) might be his best bet....